FCI Blog - Thermal Dispersion Talk

Where Process Analyzer Experts Gather

FCI Model FS10A with various ISA symposium scenes
Flow monitoring is an essential component of analyzers and sampling systems to assure a sufficient sample has flowed through the analyzer.  FCI’s leadership as a long-term developer and manufacturer of flow switches uniquely qualifies us to work with users, integrators and complementing equipment suppliers to design a product specifically for use in sampling systems. FCI’s Model FS10A flow switch and flow monitor was developed with the advice and expertise from members of the ISA Analysis Division. In addition to developing the product itself, the ISA Analysis Division Symposium provides the opportunity to demonstrate and train users on FCI’s product and to solicit ideas for continuous improvements to the FS10A.
The ISA Analysis Division Symposium is the premier forum for introducing, sharing and discussing the latest innovations, developments, and application expertise in the analytical sciences. At this annual event, speakers present papers that attract process analysis experts from around the world.  FCI has been a continuous sponsor at the Symposium for the past eight years.
If you are involved in specifying, designing or using analyzers and sampling systems, FS10A is the preferred flow switch and flow monitor for use within them. The ISA Analysis group members are focused on and committed to advancements in this vital area of process control. FCI appreciates the opportunity to work with ISA and contribute to the highest quality of monitoring and safety of these essential systems.

Learn More….
FS10A Analyzer Flow Switch/Monitor
Video: Features of the FS10A Analyzer Sampling System Flow Monitor
ISA Analysis Division
ISA Analysis Division Symposium
The Basics of Analyzer Sample Systems by Ian Verhappen

If you have an application you’d like FCI to review and make a recommendation for, please Request A Quote 

Art-Womack Sam Kresch
Product Manager
Fluid Components International

Posted on 11/30/2017 3:56:20 PM

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