As a specifying engineer, whether you are looking for a mass flow meter for pure gases or mixed gases such as flare gas, biogas, or flue gas, you want to accurately measure your process. Why add uncertainty into your measurements by selecting a thermal flow meter that has been calibrated only in air then adjusted with a correction factor, when an actual fluid calibration is available?
You can rely on
FCI thermal mass flow meters, which have been calibrated to your specific service conditions in one of FCI’s 19 precision calibration flow stands using equipment traceable to NIST and ISO/IEC 17025. These flow stands are designed to reproduce your actual installation allowing FCI to calibrate your flow meter in your actual gas or gas mixture, and at your process temperature and pressure conditions across your flow range.
FCI continually invests in new and enhanced calibration capabilities. Most recently we have elevated our calibration temperatures to exceed 482°C [900°F] and expanded our natural gas sourcing and compressing to add range and extend a cost reduction for our customers. Clearly not all thermal mass flow meters meet the proverbial and often specified “… or equal” requirement when it comes to calibration and installed performance. With more than 50 years measuring all types of process gases and liquids, no company knows more about thermal dispersion technology and the cooling effects over varying sensor geometry, the real world impact of flow profile distortions, or offers solutions for transitional flow segments and the often nonlinear behavior of gases.
Contact FCI to ask about the
AVAL process evaluation tool which analyzes and discloses the truth between laboratory flow meter performance and what you, the specifier or operator, can rely on in the field with varying process conditions, composition swings, and load driven flow profile variations. FCI’s
AVAL not only identifies flow metering uncertainties, but provides solutions for installation imperfections, variable gas compositions, dirty and erosive fluids, and options for moist or wet gas conditions.
Watch this video to learn more about FCI’s calibration capabilities
Read more about FCI’s calibration laboratory
Learn more about
Advances in Thermal Dispersion Mass Flow Meter Accuracy
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Dan McQueen
President and CEO
Fluid Components International |